Politics, Principle and Standing Up to Donald Trump: Moral Courage in the Republican Party
By: Kristen Monroe
Working with 13 student interns at the UC Irvine Ethics Center, Author Kristen Monroe offers an analysis of today’s GOP mindset and why only a handful followed their consciences.
Her book, Politics, Principle and Standing Up to Donald Trump: Moral Courage in the
Republican Party, was published this week. (Ethics International Press Ltd, UK)
The book, includes interviews with one-time Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci and Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson. It provides insights into moral courage in politics, and a new take on the Donald Trump phenomenon. If we listen to the Republicans who did stand up to Trump – John McCain, Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney and congresswoman Liz Cheney and Congressman Adam Kinzinger, plus civil servants like Miles Taylor, we hear four important messages every American, especially Republicans should listen to.
1. These Republicans did not oppose Trump over policy issues. All of these people are dedicated conservatives and long-standing, loyal members of the Republican party.
2. They do not believe Trump is a true conservative. Indeed, he is hurting the conservative cause.
3. Donald Trump poses a threat to American democracy.
4. He has coarsened political life, expanding the boundaries of what is acceptable political behavior in ways that damages our civic culture

Advanced praise from politicians and distinguished scholars:
"As someone who personally experienced the consequences of standing up to Trump during his first impeachment, I find Kristen Monroe's Politics, Principles, and Standing Up to Donald Trump: Moral Courage and the Republican Party to be a resonant and necessary exploration. This book is a crucial reminder that upholding democratic values and ethical principles against the tide of authoritarianism transcends party lines. It serves as both a call to action and a tribute to those who have shown true moral courage for the sake of our country." Alexander Vindman, retired US Army lieutenant colonel and former Director for European Affairs for US National Security Council. Director of the Institute for Informed American Leadership, Vindman flagged the 2019 phone call between Trump and President Zelenskyy that led to Trump's first impeachment.
“People ask why I stood up to Trump when most Republicans have not. I’ve seen firsthand how great a threat Trump poses to democracy. How he’s coarsened political life, legitimizing a politics of anger and pitting us against one another. The authors do an excellent job of detailing how this happened and why it’s essential that Trump never again hold political office.” Anthony Scaramucci, Former Communications Director for Donald Trump
“Brilliantly profiles the moral courage of leading Republicans who stood up to Trump’s desecration of basic institutions and processes of American government up through January 6, 2021, and beyond. Americans who believe in preserving our founding principles should read this book and remember Franklin’s famous warning that ours is a republic if we can keep it.” Richard Painter, Chief White House ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush administration (2005-2007)
“A terrific contribution to the struggle between freedom and authoritarianism in which we are now engaged. The words of Republican leaders who have the courage to speak out are both chilling and inspiring. Hopefully, this book will help others speak the truth to power and choose a path to a more just future.” Heather Booth, social change organizer and founder of JANE
“An important, careful exploration of one of the more puzzling issues of our time. A complex book for our challenging times.” Dianne Pinderhughes, Notre Dame, Past President of the American and the International Political Science Associations
“A great service, examining how and when public actors exhibit compelling moral courage. Offers hope for our country and lessons for us all.”Jennifer Hochschild, Harvard University and Past president of the American Political Science Association
Illuminates the sources of Republican resistance to what some conservative Republicans regard as a uniquely dangerous individual who has moved to the center of American politics. William A. Galston, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
“A welcome account of conservative Republican leaders who risked their careers by breaking with Trump.” Milton Lodge, SUNY at Stony Brook, Past President, Midwest Political Science Association
“For years, Kristen Monroe has been political psychology’s go-to for the analysis of the courage of ordinary people who have helped the innocent victims facing evil. Here, she and her students turn their talents to Republican leaders who have stood up against the authoritarian, anti-democratic bullying of the Trump world. Politically conservative themselves, they have had much to lose personally from the risks they have taken. Nothing would seem to be of more importance for our threatened democracy. In the end, evil must be confronted by individuals who are willing to bear great personal costs. This is the most detailed psychological analysis available yet of the moral decisions they have made in the midst of the most urgent political crisis of our day, and its ripples throughout the globe.” David Sears, Professor of Psychology and Political Science, former Dean of Social Sciences, current Director of the Institute for Social Science Research at UCLA, and Past President of the ISPP